Mama and Daddy

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

30 Weeks

Only 9 more weeks to go people!!! I am having a better day today so I thought I would try to bring the spirit back up from last week!!

Went to the Doctor today and I got a good report on my sugar situation. He seems to think it is regulating itself out. I also only gained 1 pound this time, which I really enjoyed hearing!! He is still talking about Hudson being a big boy and said I am measuring 3 weeks larger than I should. Not for reasons I can help either, which was reassuring. He said Hudson's head is down and what I thought was a butt is actually shoulders, his legs and feet are perfectly positioned in my diaphragm (which explains the not being able to breathe issue). He basically said that I am in for some discomfort in the upcoming months, but the good new is we both are healthy!

4D Ultrasound on Friday, Wooohooooo!!! Guess we'll really find out how big this dude is!! And also looking forward to my Baby Luncheon on Saturday at Nana's house. Special thanks to Nana and Jamie!! Be watching for ultrasound pics and I'll have a DVD if you want to see it!! So exciting and I love him soooooo much already I know I'm gonna cry when I see him!!

PS- I am not sure where the 4th dimension comes into play, but all I can figure is that it is 3d plus x-ray where you can see his bones and organs. Who knows? Next year they'll have 20d!!

Have a great week! Love, The Rohrmayers

Thursday, July 23, 2009

29 Weeks

Okay, I'm not going to lie, I don't feel so cheery today /this week. Let me get this out of the way: I can't sleep, I can't breathe, I have to go to the bathroom every hour, I'm huge, I'm grouchy, I want to eat sugar and I can't, I'm hungry all the time, my ankles, hands, and face are swollen, I'm nervous about labor, and Hudson has had hiccups all day long. I love feeling him move, but not every other second. It's probably good that I can't drink right now because I think a bottle of wine and a box of Kleenex would be gone tonight. I am just so tired!! I have pretty much contained it and been optimistic for the past 7 months, but today I am allowing myself to have a bad day. I don't hate being pregnant, but I definitely don't love it either. I am just ready for these next few weeks to be over. Oh and another thing I'd like to get out, is........... If you have a horror story about your labor, please stop telling me!! I don't want to know. If you had the easiest labor in the world, I don't really want to know either. I know people think this is comforting, but really I just don't want to talk about it. If you really want to comfort me, buy me a mu-mu to wear around my house. Sorry if that offends anyone, but I warned you at the beginning, I am not in a cheery mood.

Now, the good news is I have the ultrasound to look forward to next week!! I will post pics tomorrow.

Sorry for the downer, Cari

Friday, July 17, 2009

7 Months

Holy moly! another month flew by!! I have been feeling pretty good, some swelling and sleeplessness continues, but mostly feeling good. I have been having some Braxton-Hicks (I think that's how you say it) contractions which really aren't that bad at all. I saw the Doctor and he felt around again to explore his concern from last time. He determined that I am only 7 months, but he is going to be a big boy!! Doc says 8 lbs. + , oh my!!. I saw an infant this week that weighs eight pounds and all though he looked really small in his grandmas arms, he looked really big in relation to "down there". Well, I guess I'd rather him be big and healthy than under weight. I also gained 7 pounds in 3 weeks, the most I have gained in between doctors visits so far. Doc said "it's okay, but let's not do that again." So less Little Debbie and more fruits and veggies for me. I can tell Brandon is finally getting excited. He likes to watch my belly move all around and is looking forward to this 4d ultrasound on the 31st. The sugar problems also seem to be under control, with the occasional episode that is usually self induced. Only 12 more weeks people till we can meet our little Hudson!! Get ready!!

PS- those are not stretch marks in the photos, they are marks from my shirt. I have been pretty fortunate so far, although I am beginning to wonder how long my luck will last.

27 weeks

12 week belly

12 week belly
pants are snug around the bump

I am now at the "is she pregnant?" stage.