Wednesday, September 23, 2009
38 Weeks
I had a pretty scary day last Friday. I went through McDonald's to get breakfast about 7:45 am which took me the Wabash route (I usually take Poplar to work) and as I approached 19th and Wabash I had to make a quick stop because traffic was backed up at the light. I glanced up to check the rear view in just enough time to brace myself for impact. The young guy hit me and I was pushed into the car in front of me. It really shook me up, I sat there for a minute until I realized I should probably get out of the car in case he hit my gas tank or something. I was fine, but concerned about where the seat belt had grabbed around my tummy. It was really hard to be mad at the guy, he is 18 and was driving a hunk of junk (now totaled) and he was so upset when he saw I was pregnant. I am sure that was the last thing he wanted to see. He was very lucky he did not get hurt. He hit me so hard that his car had bounced back 7 feet and various front end parts were laying between us. The police even asked if he had moved his car back. My Jeep is in pretty good shape considering. My hitch and back spare tire took most of the impact. I went to the Doctor's office after and they monitored me and the baby for over an hour. Hudson's lil heartbeat was just fine and he was very active. I however, was contracting every 3 minutes. The doctor said that it could evolve into real labor and to take it easy. The contractions stopped later on that day. So all in all it could have been a whole lot worse and hopefully the at fault driver learned something. I know he's going to learn really soon that insurance is expensive for and 18 year old male who's had an accident. So now I am dealing with getting estimates, I guess it helps pass the time.
Hope he comes soon : ) I am ready to hold him in my arms and not my belly!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
37 Weeks
Love You All!!! xo
Cari, Brandon, and Hudson
Thursday, September 10, 2009
9 Months ~36 weeks
Friday, September 4, 2009
35 Weeks
I have felt really good all week up until Thursday. I went to bed on Wednesday night at usual time and fell fast asleep. I awoke at 12:30 am experiencing contraction like cramps. I didn't want to over react, so I got up and walked around for a while. This seemed to ease them, so I laid back down. I woke up again at 2:30 with the same thing. They felt like intense menstrual cramps, but not consistent enough to be real contractions. Some of them lasted 3 minutes and were 30 seconds apart and some lasted 30 seconds and where 30 minutes apart. I got up again and googled "false labor", sure enough sounded like it. I called the doc to be sure and he agreed that as long as I could not time them consistently apart or my water had not broken I would be fine. I struggled on and off all night long, but they did eventually stop. I go to the doc on Tuesday next week and will discuss it with him then. I also had stomach problems yesterday which didn't help either. Today is better, it helps that we have a 3 day weekend!!! Our last 3 day weekend just the two of us : ) I am looking forward to relaxing with my husband.
I really promise to post some pics soon, I have been slacking.
Have a great Labor Day everyone!! Love you all.
Friday, August 28, 2009
34 Weeks
Thursday I had a very nice lunch/shower with friends from Superior K&B!! It was nice to see everyone that I used to work with and catch up. I got some very sweet gifts, much needed items that will get put into the nursery this weekend! It made me feel very special that they thought of me. Speaking of the nursery, it is finally finished. I will take some pics this weekend and post them on next weeks blog.
Thanks again to all my friends at Superior and to everyone who has helped us along the way!!
I'm going to keep pluggin/waddling along and will be in touch next week!!
Love you all,
Friday, August 21, 2009
33 Weeks
I am getting a lot of people asking me if I am due anytime now. I guess I have to remember that even though I am only at 33 weeks, I am measuring 37 weeks : ( so to others, I guess I look full term. Oh well, I have only gained 31 pounds at this point and I am pretty proud of that. I was pretty scared by the fact that Mom gained 60 with me. Please keep praying for a healthy little man and I can wait it out 6 more weeks if that means he'll be okay : )
Love you all xoxoxo,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
8 Months
Friday, August 7, 2009
31 Weeks
Love you all!!! The Rohrmayers
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
30 Weeks
Went to the Doctor today and I got a good report on my sugar situation. He seems to think it is regulating itself out. I also only gained 1 pound this time, which I really enjoyed hearing!! He is still talking about Hudson being a big boy and said I am measuring 3 weeks larger than I should. Not for reasons I can help either, which was reassuring. He said Hudson's head is down and what I thought was a butt is actually shoulders, his legs and feet are perfectly positioned in my diaphragm (which explains the not being able to breathe issue). He basically said that I am in for some discomfort in the upcoming months, but the good new is we both are healthy!
4D Ultrasound on Friday, Wooohooooo!!! Guess we'll really find out how big this dude is!! And also looking forward to my Baby Luncheon on Saturday at Nana's house. Special thanks to Nana and Jamie!! Be watching for ultrasound pics and I'll have a DVD if you want to see it!! So exciting and I love him soooooo much already I know I'm gonna cry when I see him!!
PS- I am not sure where the 4th dimension comes into play, but all I can figure is that it is 3d plus x-ray where you can see his bones and organs. Who knows? Next year they'll have 20d!!
Have a great week! Love, The Rohrmayers
Thursday, July 23, 2009
29 Weeks
Now, the good news is I have the ultrasound to look forward to next week!! I will post pics tomorrow.
Sorry for the downer, Cari
Friday, July 17, 2009
7 Months
Holy moly! another month flew by!! I have been feeling pretty good, some swelling and sleeplessness continues, but mostly feeling good. I have been having some Braxton-Hicks (I think that's how you say it) contractions which really aren't that bad at all. I saw the Doctor and he felt around again to explore his concern from last time. He determined that I am only 7 months, but he is going to be a big boy!! Doc says 8 lbs. + , oh my!!. I saw an infant this week that weighs eight pounds and all though he looked really small in his grandmas arms, he looked really big in relation to "down there". Well, I guess I'd rather him be big and healthy than under weight. I also gained 7 pounds in 3 weeks, the most I have gained in between doctors visits so far. Doc said "it's okay, but let's not do that again." So less Little Debbie and more fruits and veggies for me. I can tell Brandon is finally getting excited. He likes to watch my belly move all around and is looking forward to this 4d ultrasound on the 31st. The sugar problems also seem to be under control, with the occasional episode that is usually self induced. Only 12 more weeks people till we can meet our little Hudson!! Get ready!!
PS- those are not stretch marks in the photos, they are marks from my shirt. I have been pretty fortunate so far, although I am beginning to wonder how long my luck will last.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
26 Weeks
This is a 4 day week which will be very nice!! The temperatures are finally a little cooler too!! We have a few plans this weekend, baby showers and family visiting, but it is going to be a really nice weekend. I am feeling pretty good, except I just feel "heavy" is the only way I know how to explain it. It is harder to roll over, get out of bed, get off the couch, or pretty much do anything. I guess most people gain weight over a long period of time and I have gained close to 20 pounds in like 4 months or something. Ah, well. Hudson has been moving all the time still and is getting a lot stronger. I can now usually tell where his butt is and definitely know where his little kicking feet are. He pushes a lot with his butt as if he's trying to make more room in there. Maybe he'll be a lefty like his Daddy and his Mpaw, since he usually likes hanging out on the left side.
Plans are in the works for my shower. We are thinking mid-August sometime around the 15th? So keep your calendars open. Talk to you next week!! Love, Cari
Thursday, June 25, 2009
25 weeks
Thursday, June 18, 2009
6 Months
This week has been kind of rough. I have been having some sugar problems. Doc says I am just producing more insulin than I should right now and in combination with my unhealthy Pop Tart breakfast (mmmm, brown sugar and cinnamon) it caused me to feel not so great. He said it should regulate itself out in a few months when my body will naturally produce less insulin. Until then, I'll lay off the sweets! I guess if this is the worst of it, it's not so bad. I also have been having a terrible time sleeping which results in extreme grumpiness!! -- sorry Brandon. Hudson seems to be doing just fine in there. He is moving around like it's his job and the Doc says his heart rate sounds great. He did say that my uterus is a little further up than he would think for 24 weeks, he said he'd guess me more at 28 weeks by the size!! He said maybe it will just be a bigger baby than he originally expected. Oh well, as long as he's healthy I really don't care. Doc says we'll keep an eye on everything and I go back in 2 weeks for another sugar test. I look like a heroin addict from all the times I have been stuck this week.
Have a great Father's Day Weekend!! Happy Father's Day Brandon!!!
Love, The Rohrmayer's
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
23 Weeks
Brandon is really enjoying his new job and I am too since he comes home in a much better mood anymore. He stays pretty clean too, no more crawl spaces or attics!! The weekend was great. I volunteered at the Special Olympics on Saturday which is a great excuse to spend time with 3 of my favorite people: Mindy, Jodi, and Sherree!! Then on Sunday we were invited to a nice cookout at Bill & Jerry's home. These are the guys who own The Station (floral shop 0n wabash). Their landscaping was so nice!! It really got my head spinning and so I think we're doing yard work this weekend!!
Hudson is doing really well. He is an active little dude!! The 3d sonogram is set for July 31st. Dad and Jamie are coming to town for it and Mom asked off work too! I will have a DVD for the rest of you to look at. I love you all dearly, but I don't think everyone would fit in the exam room!! Hudson is going to have such a large, loving family!!
Love you all xoxox Cari, Brandon, and Hudson
Thursday, June 4, 2009
22 Weeks
Cari, Brandon, and Hudson
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
21 Weeks
Not too much going on right now. We enjoyed our 3 day weekend very much and spent some time working in the yard. It is not as easy to bend over and pull weeds as it used to be. It seems like some of these little everyday tasks are becoming harder. Even doing laundry is more of a chore now, as it is hard to fit my belly between our washer and the wall it faces (tight space anyway). I tire out a whole lot faster than normal as well. Other than that and the occasional mood swing (anger, not boo hoo) I feel pretty darn great!! I think we have decided on the first name of Hudson. We are still working on the middle name. This may change, but it has been pretty consistent for a while now. I think it is a very handsome name, different, but not too different. I just don't want my kid to be the 18th Joey (just for example) in his class and forever known as "Joey R." or "which Joey?". My luck, Hudson will move from number 60 on the top 100 names to number 5 by next year. Anyways.... I have to go to the Doctor every 2 weeks now so I will keep you posted on anything new. Belly pics to follow shortly.
Cari, Brandon and Hudson (maybe)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
5 Months, IT'S A BOY!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
19 Weeks
Love, C&B and our lil' nugget xoxoxoxo
Monday, May 4, 2009
18 Weeks
Monday, April 27, 2009
17 Weeks
Love to you all xoxox C&B+1
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
4 MONTHS!!! (16 weeks)
Funny story: last night we let Harley out to potty around 11:00pm and when he returned he was covered in poo!!! So poor Brandon gave him a bath and then around midnight Harley began whining like he need to go potty. Guess what? He returned covered in poo again. Apparently he was rolling in it. Brandon (God love him) gave him another bath and then we went to bed. Then when I got up this morning I stepped in kitty throw up!!! I guess God is trying to give us a little taste of what we're in for huh??
Other than that, not much to report. I will post belly pics soon.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
15 Weeks
Don't forget to visit our yard sale this Saturday!! Love you all, Cari