Mama and Daddy

Friday, September 4, 2009

35 Weeks

Week 35 was an interesting one. The weather has been absolutely beautiful and has eased my swelling a lot. September is finally here and I look forward to the fall months, my favorite season!!

I have felt really good all week up until Thursday. I went to bed on Wednesday night at usual time and fell fast asleep. I awoke at 12:30 am experiencing contraction like cramps. I didn't want to over react, so I got up and walked around for a while. This seemed to ease them, so I laid back down. I woke up again at 2:30 with the same thing. They felt like intense menstrual cramps, but not consistent enough to be real contractions. Some of them lasted 3 minutes and were 30 seconds apart and some lasted 30 seconds and where 30 minutes apart. I got up again and googled "false labor", sure enough sounded like it. I called the doc to be sure and he agreed that as long as I could not time them consistently apart or my water had not broken I would be fine. I struggled on and off all night long, but they did eventually stop. I go to the doc on Tuesday next week and will discuss it with him then. I also had stomach problems yesterday which didn't help either. Today is better, it helps that we have a 3 day weekend!!! Our last 3 day weekend just the two of us : ) I am looking forward to relaxing with my husband.

I really promise to post some pics soon, I have been slacking.

Have a great Labor Day everyone!! Love you all.


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12 week belly

12 week belly
pants are snug around the bump

I am now at the "is she pregnant?" stage.