Mama and Daddy

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9 Months ~36 weeks

Well, we are finally reaching the end!! It went pretty fast all in all. Brandon and I are so excited to see this little guy we can hardly stand it. Tuesday's doctor's appointment went great. He said I have dropped and Hudson's head is still down (right on my bladder). My BP and Hudson's heart rate are still good and the best news of all is that he said he would let me go if I went into labor at this point ~ HURRAY!! I have still been having some contractions, nothing to time out yet, but at least I know my body is getting ready. The weather has continued to be lovely and my swelling hasn't been bad at all. I was kind of thinking/ secretly hoping that Murphy's Law would take place and I would go into labor today seeing as my Mom is out of town, Brandon's parents are out of town, and Jodi is out of town too. Don't get me wrong I think they could all make it back in time to see the baby!!

This past weekend I nested all weekend like a crazy woman. I mean you could eat off any surface in my house at this point. I also rearranged the bedroom- with Bran's help and cleaned the front porch/outside sitting area. My closet has never been so organized and the only thing left on the list is to clean out and reorganize the kitchen cabinets. The dog even got a bath thanks to Brandon!!

Here are some pics as I promised!! I will keep you all posted.



1 comment:

12 week belly

12 week belly
pants are snug around the bump

I am now at the "is she pregnant?" stage.